okay Darren and Shawna McCollum here, it's a 48 cj2a only had it well something like that oh really okay what'd you guys do you have to go front buy it or did you kind of know somebody or what a buddy of mine that lives in the area that works on these we told him we were looking for one I had a different one bought out in Western Kansas I wanted a b model that was 3B that's what I have yeah and I couldn't find one and uh this guy we know down there he calls me up he said hey he sent me this off Marketplace he's like this one looks like it's worth looking at so we drove down to Cuba Missouri and bought it home and that was pretty much it the reason why I didn't get the other ones because it had a lot of the the tread pattern I don't know what stuff's called the thread pattern that goes down the side that people do and I was afraid it was all rusted out so we didn't even bother to go look at it oh I know you mean yeah but this one the guy had some decent pictures and it was closer for us to just go eyeball so we went and looked at it and hauled it home it's got a Ford gpw engine oh let's look at this report
instead of the Willy's motor this one's got oh yes it's been kind of pieced together it's got cat head bolts in it they're all stamped with CAD on the end of them well that's kind of cool it's original yeah did you have to get it running and everything I mean did you do all the work it was running when we got it just not running very well and I'm still tuning and piddling with it having a little distributor treble Distributors are pretty wore out in them you know I got a solid state but something went wrong with it so they're sending me another one have you run the solid state on there I ran it a little bit but I had trouble with it so I don't know for sure how it's gonna work but I've got another one coming in but that's a nice looking Jeep carburetor he went through two of them he's got a full set of halibrin mag wheels on it that's really unusual it was like 70s Jeep Wheels that's
[Music] pretty cool
I kind of like that tealy blue color there and then out I was a truck driver for a while so it's got a 13 speed shift
off and he's like wait a minute I've got another one
I'm stuck in it I like the patina on it I do I think it looks really good the frame body tailgate all the numbers match on it the only thing that's off is the windshield and the motor the guy I bought it from called me and yesterday morning he thinks he's found the original engine his buddies still got it oh wow so if we could get that back then we've just about put it back together that's really cool I'm glad you guys came out yeah there's a bunch more of these shows a parts guy that I've been talking to in Colorado told me about this that's why we came it's like well you gotta go it's close to you guys yeah so Fall Willy's reunion yep it's good stuff so we're just kind of fiddling with it a little at a time nice all right thank you all right thanks