Wait what is in it?
Uh chevy 305. Uh I guess I'll talk about it.
Yeah you can talk about that.
All right good, all right I'm Nathan Bernowski this is my 1948 CJ2A Willys. My dad built it in Winnemucca, Nevada in the 90s, I think 92. He picked it up out of uh Battle Mountain in a junkyard there from what he told me and it has a- it's a '48 CJ2A Willys sitting on '74 CJ5 axles front and rear, so the rear is a 44 and the fronts of dana 30. Has a chevy van engine a chevy 305 '80s it's 1987. The transmission is a SM 420 of a 1955 pickup. Wow! Then the transfer case is of a international scout two, it's a dana 20. The year on that's the '79.
Nice. I'm just just maintaining it trying to keep it going
That's that's the thing though isn't it? Just try to keep them going! You take it on trails and stuff?
Yeah uh the most recent big trip I took from Pocatello to uh Jar Bridge, Nevada. It was 260 miles one direction and Jar Bridge is what's considered the most uh remote town in the lower 48. I took my dog there and met my dad there from Winnemucca and then drove it back. So that whole trip I ended up putting almost 800 miles on it in a good four days.
Oh wow! You did 804 days? Yeah. Wow that's good we're doing like 150 maybe.
Yeah it was 260 there, they broke down so I kept going past Jar Bridge and there's no cell phone out there.
It looks good.
It's a beast for now. If it breaks i'll fix it, that's how it gets upgraded.
I like it, thank you.