My name is Mike Myers, go by "Low Enough" on the CJ2A page and this is my 1945 CJ2A serial number: 100163
It was a project picked up out of Alabama back in 2006 and it was a complete nut and bolt restoration it took seven years to do. It's been done now completed since uh the end of 2013. So you see all the patina on it, needless to say the patina is where we're at we wanted to be a used Jeep not a trailer queen.
But this is harvest tan?
Harvest tan with the sunset- they call that sunset red but yeah it's actually orange. Pumpkin orange. It is one of the first 1824 jeeps that was made that incorporated the column shift instead of the floor shift. It's fully set up with pto and you'll see here in a minute out the back it's got the drum pulley with the paper drum pulley, governor, the whole nine yards.
Looks good, the top looks really good.
Drivetrain all numbers match. I made the bows for the framework, Jeff Petrowitz did the canvas for me. Ninety percent of this restoration involved sourcing out nos parts over the course of about seven years.
Right now since it's been done in 2013 we've put about 4,000 miles on it. It has been to the top of Mount uh Princeton and the Rockies and Colorado twice.
Oh that's cool! Yeah that's cool, so you're running it.
I've got video of Joe Friday aka Keith Buckley driving this on one of the trails,traversing a downed log in the road- in the trail.
Nice, so i'm glad you're using it!
Yeah absolutely, and I just recently set it up in a trust fund for my two-year-old grandson that this will become his.
That's cool, that's cool. That's a hell of a Jeep man.
Thank you! Labor of love that's for sure. A lot of people involved in it- almost too many to mention.