Jim's '48 Family Truck - The JeepsterMan

Jim's '48 Family Truck

My name's Jim and uh this was my dad's truck he bought it new in 1948.

Oh wow.

Uh he was in the coal business and he could deliver a ton of coal in it.

Oh wow so this was actually an active coal dump truck, very awesome.

And uh when we moved from Aluna to New York over a period of two years every weekend he'd bring some furniture down in this until the family was totally down here.

Oh wow... Moving truck as well. Have you done any modifications or?

Well we restored it

Restored it, yes I have a picture up here to show you.

Oh absolutely let's go.

This is what it was like prior to restoration.

Oh goodness yeah she's pretty stripped down, a little crusty.

Yeah a little rusty in the floor and uh. So over a period of a couple years we tore it down and then worked on some weekends and so forth.

It's a family underdoing?

Yes, yeah I have two sons.

Oh perfect. And Father's Day is coming up so it's perfect little father- son.

And then just it was going back together. Here's the engine going back together.

How long did it take?

Well like over a period of two years because it was a weekend project.

Right, yeah.

And maybe one night a week.

Right. I love the snow. I'm from South Carolina so we don't get much snow there.

Uh-huh, get the front. Did you drive her here or did you?

Well we trailed because we came from New York.

Oh okay, yeah gotcha.

Within 10 or 15 miles of a show I drive, yeah. But then it gets beyond 20 miles it's-

It's a little... touchy.

And it's not that I mind driving it, it's- the traffic minds me going 40 mph in a 65 mph zone.

It can be dangerous for sure, so.

We've only ever had one impolite driver that I can remember. He followed me for a while then he passed me and waved to me with his one hand... Cuz he was upset to be only going 40.

Mhm...Oh yeah.

That you have a rude person now and again...

Oh yeah definitely... they can wait. Well this is beautiful, thank you so much!

Thank you.


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