David's "Old Gal" '53 CJ3A - The JeepsterMan

David's "Old Gal" '53 CJ3A

Okay all right so uh my name is David Wright I own this 1953 CJ3A and I'm 70 years old and I have it since 1972.

Oh wow!

So here's a picture this is me in '74 when I was first building it.

That is too cool.

And that's me in the background there and then here's another picture is 1980 when I was racing it in the East coast four-wheel drive Association

Oh awesome!

This is down in Dover, Delaware.

Okay, so was it like a long- long term race or like a like...

A weekend type-

Weekend type thing. Cool.

Um and they still have them today you four-wheel drive Association is still very active today. Um so what I did in 2010 I decided I was going to do a full restoration on it again so I took it all apart started frame up and uh took me seven winters cuz I only worked on it in the wintertime mhm but I finished it in 2017 and uh subtly modernized it a little bit. I put different steering in it and different transmission.

And we can walk around and look at the front if you like.

Yeah. And then uh it still has a Ford motor in it like it did from day one, but it's a little bit of a horsepower upgrade I should say.

Not a bad thing.

Um and uh been driving it I mean I only drive it in the summer it's never been in the rain yet.

Oh wow!

Since 2017 and uh we take it for ice cream and that and I just had it down at uh Maryland Ocean City for the Jeep Fest.


So I won a trophy with it down there.

Congratulations! They called it the "Old Gal" was the they called it. The "Old Gal".

Wow! The old gal! The best of the old gals!

Yep so uh I won that down there a couple weeks ago and uh like I say we only we only take it out in the summer and I come down here this is probably the, I don't know fifth or sixth year I've been down here with it you know.

Awesome. It's quite the community!

I did all the work to it myself all the fabricating everything I did. The only thing I didn't do is my friend Regan, he painted it.

Okay, well it's still in the family!


All right awesome thank you very much I appreciate it! I would not mind going for ice cream in this at all!!

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