Danny Daniels. Circle Haven, Pennsylvania... a '64 CJ5.
Nice. How long have you had this guy... or girl?
Probably three, four years working on it a little.
What've you been doing to it?
Well it's an original frame, original body. Put a straight axle from my early Ford car in the front um back axle is a Pontiac.
Nice. I like the stitches on the back! Those are very cool.
Nails, I cut the heads off on there. And the RC bottle tail lights.
Oh wow I didn't even notice that I thought that was just decor...oh yes! Oh my gosh that's awesome. Did you drive this here or did you trailer it?
I had it trailered I don't have it registered yet.
It's kind of the maiden voyage this weekend! I had it to show yesterday and today so it hasn't really been on the street yet, but it seems to drive good!
I like the unique steering wheel as well. That's pretty awesome. Thats a flex plate from like a Japanese car and then a Jeep transfer case chain wrapped around it.
And the rat trap gas pedal... Oh my goodness, how fun! Awesome well thank you very much!