All right go ahead.
So my name is Ben Parker I'm from Idaho Falls, Idaho. This is our 1948 Willys. Picked it up about two and a half years ago, my son and i have been working on it for the last little while and getting things going. Um the disc brake conversion on the front uh when we bought it you can tell it had an F head in it and we ended up rebuilding the original block and putting that back in. Got it all cleaned up and and got back from the machine shop. So original drivetrain in it and then went picked up the the top and, well my father-in-law picked it up for me in Spokane. And we run it all all year with the doors on and so- try and get out on the trails and to and from work and having fun!
Looks great. Yeah, it looks like it would do well on Epic.
Oh I hope so! The uh the bench is actually made out of uh old bleacher wood from the high school that I used to work at.
Oh that's cool!
They took the bleachers out one year and they were going to throw all the pine away and so I took it home and we converted it to a bench seat in the back.
That looks good, yeah it looks good with it yeah!
Yeah it's been fun- fun project and kids love it. We get out just about two or three times a week in the- in the hills by the house and have a good time.
How are you liking your uh break- this uh brake conversion?
You know what it stops on a dime. I really love it yeah, it is- yeah it's fantastic um we actually just finished the same conversion on my brother '63 pickup.
So yeah it's been ah, it's been a huge bonus for the whole drive.
Nice! Oh it was a hard install?
No! Super easy install. Bolts right on, we didn't have to shave anything off the knuckles or anything it was just a bolt right on.
Yeah stopping on a dime that's a definitely helpful, yeah there's been a couple times I was like ohhhhh.
People want to cook off in town and so you know, gotta try and stop somehow
I like it. It looks good.
Thank you.
And you got the go devil.
Did the 12-volt conversion too, that when we had it all apart in the engine out so rewired the whole thing while we were at it. That was helpful.
How you liking aluminum radiator?
Oh it's so cool, yeah we were- we were heading up the mountain I didn't even break 165. Yeah just kept it nice and cool and uh didn't have to run the fan at all, the accessory fan, which was nice Sometimes on a hot day i'll flip it on but most days i don't even need it.
Nice, looks good.
Thank you.