Hi my name is Rob Livingston from Damascus Oregon this is my 1947 CJ2A. It's powered by a 3 liter Mer Cruiser four cylinder. Got throttle body injection uh behind that is the T-18 4-speed and then Dana 18 transfer case, got stock axles front and rear. Got a locker in the back. PTO winch got some uh 32 inch super smokers.
So like, so okay so this is a straight boat motor right?
It's boat engine.
I bought this from a uh a Marine Salvage yard in Troutdale Oregon. Um, came out of a 16 foot Sea Swirl. I watched him remove it, so.
That's super cool. I... That's, hey that's the first time I've seen that. And it's 140 horsepower?
That's what the sticker says.
Man that's cool. How's it feel when it's on the road?
It's pretty good! It's uh, you know it's got plenty of power. It's uh you know it can spin a lot of RPM so I don't have an overdrive so down the road. It's not a problem.
Oh overdrive is nice, highly recommend it.
These are kind of my overdrive.
That's super cool man. Hey thanks.