Uh this is my uh electric Jeep it's uh 1948 CJ2A. I removed the uh gasoline engine and I put in the battery pack and a net gain hyper 9 HV electric motor in it. Uh the controller is an SME x144 which is well matched with the um- with the motor. And um I've got uh right here a the lithium master and slave modules for the battery management system uh that monitor that battery pack. It's a non-cam communications so I have wires right here between the BMS and the controller um which are essentially on/off switches, there is no communication which allows me to remove the battery and put another one in. This particular battery has six modules of from a Tesla Model S giving me 30 KW hours of energy storage and providing me I uh, based on yesterday's test approximately 70 M of range.
Hey that's was pretty good!
Yeah, yeah.
That was way better than 40!
Yeah, yeah.
Tell me how that drivetrain works.
So um the drivetrain is basically all original. So I bolted, I uh did an adapter for the electric motor to connect to the uh bell housing and from uh- and also a hub uh for the motor to uh hold the uh flywheel and from the flywheel behind it's all original. So it's the original flywheel clutch, the T90, uh 3-speed transmission, the Dana 18 transfer case. Everything is original from there.
That's cool. You gonna show me your special red button? And tell them what the red button is. This is pretty cool.
So the um, the original motor is a 64 horsepower, but the electric motor I put in is 108 horsepower and so to preserve the transmission and so on, I tune down- I control down the electric motor to about 65 horse. But if I'm in a pickle, I can always flip that switch up and go for 108 horsepower and leave a little rubber on the road.
That's awesome! Hey that's probably my favorite part of the thing. Hey thanks man.
You're welcome.