T90 Popping Out of 2nd - The JeepsterMan

T90 Popping Out of 2nd

Okay so this is a T90. Uh what's happened is we're popping out of second gear so we thought it might be a poppy ball. So I'm gonna rebuild this top end and when I pulled it out you can see the springs were broke, one of them was actually half gone. So what you're gonna do is you're gonna pop out these little caps on the side, push the rails back through. Your balls will pop out, your springs will come out. And then you're going to want to clean it all out. So we sprayed it inside of it, cleaned it all up inside there and then um I'm gonna put new springs new pop of balls and roll pins back inside and see this pops out a second after that.

All right so I put it back together you can see the orientation. That should go in there um it was pretty hard getting the puppet balls back in so you got to like push the ball down with a punch and then drive it in through the other side, and there's a little ball in between here too that you got to get just right with the shaft somewhere to get both of them in there. So anyhow, so there it is, it's rebuilt. We're gonna go ahead and stick it back in see what happens.

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